We now know what happens at death:
comfortably in the recessed center of your brain, encased snugly within
the corpus colossum, wrapped tightly between the dual-hemispheres of
spongy nerve bundles, encased in the quarter-inch-thick armor-plating of
skull, finally surrounded by your main and expressive organs with which
you face the world, exists a tiny gland, long considered
vestigial (serving little to no function), that holds the key to our interpretation of existence as we know it. I’m speaking of the
pineal gland.
This minute spec, roughly the size of a grain of rice, is more heavily
protected than even the heart with its literal cage of protection,
because if something happens to your heart you die, but if something
happens to your pineal, you can’t go to heaven.
Never heard of it?
This pineal gland has influences on both melatonin and pinoline, but our interest is in the gland’s role in the
creation of dimethyltriptamine, or DMT. This chemical, DMT, may well be the reason we, as a species, are capable of
sentience itself.
I’m not a chemist; break it down.
First, DMT is a
narcotic, schedule 1. It’s scheduled as a highly illegal substance all over the
planet, largely because DMT is one of the most
potent psychedelics known to man. Intensely powerful. Yet, every day your pineal produces this stuff.
Secondly, DMT is the chemical that elicits
That’s right. Each night as you drift to slumber-land, not only are you
tripping on a psychedelic, but you’re also premeditatedly committing a
federal offence; possession or consumption of DMT could land you a
felony charge.
And third, this illegal gateway to dreamland is
released in massive amounts at the moment of death. When I say massive,
if a water glass of DMT evokes a dream, at death, an equivalent river
excretes into your system.
Any druggies reading this?
How have I not heard of this before?
the pineal’s significance is neither a new idea, nor an unfounded one.
Spanning the expanse of human civilization runs an undercurrent of
worshipful adoration to the almighty pineal, more widely known as the
inner eye, all-seeing eye, or the like – considered the body’s gateway
to the soul.
had its Eye of Horus (now emblazoned on the US dollar bill). Hindu
culture has its bottu (the familiar forehead dot). Even the ancient art
of yoga recognizes the brow chakra, or ajna, as blossoming at the
pineal, or third eye. That’s only to name
a few.
Great, so what does all this have to do with death?
A stretching of time – they experience the hectic 6 or 7 minutes as a
near eternity or lifetime. Imagine Cobb’s 50 year night in Inception.
2) They experience religious incarnations with a tilt toward whatever sect the subject is affiliated with.
Here’s the clincher: after death, while this massive psychedelic dose courses through the brain, there is this mysterious
several minutes where the
brain still functions. With our new perspective, however, we at last understand what these minutes are…
few minutes after death, subjectively, are experienced as an eternity,
engrossed in the DMT universe. Also, the trip itself is a highly
personal experience dictated by the deepest realms of the subconscious.
whatever at your deepest core you expect to happen when you die…
Congratulations, that’s what’ll happen… Every religion was right.
Mystery solved. Peace on earth.
you’re resourceful, you can find this stuff and try it. The bigger
question now is: do you really want to know where you’ll be spending
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