7 Myths of Human Brain (video)
The universe is filled with wondrous mysteries, but none are any more wondrous than the amazing feats found inside your own head. Some ...
1. Your brain is One of the Greatest Mysteries of the Human Body
If you read much of the new research reporting about your brain, you would think that science has finally got a grasp on how it works. The truth is, we actually know very little about the human brain, and anything you read in science magazines is partially up for grabs as far as how true it actually is.
2. Your Brain is More Advanced than the Most High Tech Computer Available Today
Some people still believe that their own brain is not more capable than their expensive and exotic high-tech gadgets. However, it is. In fact, researchers don’t expect to come near to harnessing the power of the human brain until sometime around the year 2020. This is when computers may finally utilize atoms and molecules to boost their underlining functionality to match the cognitive abilities of the human brain.
3. Your Brain’s Size Does Not Signify Your Intelligence
There are plenty of examples in the animal kingdom that suggest this statement to be true. However, according to one study of London cab drivers, researchers have suggested that the size of the brain (the hypocampus to be exact) may actually mean the amount of knowledge (memory) that a person can store. The good news is that the size could be more relative to how it’s used on a daily basis, as opposed to what you’re given at birth.
4. Your Brain is as Good as it Will Ever Be
They used to say that your brain was only working at 10 percent of its capacity, and that you had the ability to unlock its full potential. Then research came out with a new batch of findings that made the 10 percent rule a myth. However, that does not mean that there isn’t plenty of untapped ability in your mind. “Yes, it is completely a myth,” says Garrett Ruhland, a neurochemist for truBrain. “[However], there are performance aids available that can increase distribution of alpha and beta relative to controls—This means that [it should be possible to] increase sustained focus, attention, visualization and memory recall.”
5. Diet and Supplements Can Help Your Brain’s Cognitive Ability
Most people eat to maintain health. However, not as many eat to sustain maximum brain functionality. Some people must assume that what is good for their taste buds must also good for their brain. In one study that consisted of one million New York students, researchers discovered that those whose diets included regular doses of artificial flavors, preservatives, and dyes, did 14 percent worst on IQ tests than those whose diets included very little additives.
6. Your Brain Can Be Your Own Worst Enemy
It was once believed that your own mind could be your worst enemy. Then we were told to trust ourselves and our own intuitions, as we should be the ones who know best for ourselves. However, as evidence suggests, the connection between body and mind is so strong, that somewhere between 50 to 70 percent of visits to the doctor appear to be partially attributed to psychological factors. On the flip side of this coin is placebo effect, which is the body’s ability to heal itself with nothing more than a positive attitude and hopeful outlook.
The connection of the mind and body is a relatively poorly understood phenomenon in modern medicine, yet placebos have shown a positive response to such conditions as cancer, Aids, and herpes, as well as pain, hypertension, depression, and panic disorders. Some doctors claim it’s nothing more than urging the body to feel better just because it expects to, but that doesn’t explain how some people have experienced spontaneous recovery (remission) using these ‘nonexistent’ treatments. Consider this a wake up call that you may be able to harness your brain’s mysterious powers for both good and bad.
7. Your Brain is Hardwired to Fail
Since the 1930’s we’ve known human life could be extended by 40 percent (100+ years), but that we would also have to reduce our daily food intake by 30 percent to enjoy such an extension. Researchers soon realized that feat would prove more difficult than just inventing a pill. This is because the body and brain is somewhat hardwired to decline overtime, much like every other organism.
However, if you are inclined to take an active roll in the functionality of your brain, you can rewind some loss of cognitive function that has occurred by giving yourself plenty of exercise and good nutrition.
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