
30 Ways to Love Your Husband

This past week we got to talking about communication when Lisa posted the article, “Communication: How to Love Him More Than Words Can S...

The first thing I did was admire him with my eyes when he walked
This past week we got to talking about communication when Lisa posted the article, “Communication: How to Love Him More Than Words Can Say.” When she reminded us that we communicate love in a number of ways other than speech, I started to put a few of her ideas into practice.

Immediately I sensed a warm reception, and I could tell that Michael was reading my signals. I was communicating my love to him and he was getting the message loud and clear. What did I do? Well… I wasn’t going to kiss and tell, but since it’s just between you and I, why not? *wink*

The first thing I did was admire him with my eyes when he walked in the door. I gave him a hug and mentioned how great he smelled. Let me tell you–that man smells awesome!! The second thing I did was that I leaned over the back of the couch after dinner, kissed him on the neck and whispered something sweet in his ear. That’s where I started and it went on from there.

This morning, when my husband got up for work (he gets up earlier than any of us) he walked over to my side of the bed, bent over, and whispered in my ear, “You’re my best friend. The best I’ve ever had.”

Isn’t that about the sweetest thing you’ve ever heard? I thought so!

And so I’ve decided to put together a list called 30 Ways to Love Your Husband. It’s actually more like 30 ways to show your husband you love him, but I didn’t get too wordy–you get the idea.

Of course all husbands are different and each one speaks their own love language, but perhaps this list will spark a few ideas in you. There are 30 of them so if you’re inclined to, you might want to challenge yourself by trying a new one each day.
  1. Give him direct eye contact when you’re talking to him and say something encouraging. As Lisa put it, “admire him with your eyes.” Love that!
  2. Stop to hug him when you pass by his way.
  3. Ask him if there’s any thing he’d like you to pray for.
  4. Wear an outfit that he likes on you.
  5. Reach for his hand when you’re driving or walking.
  6. Ask him if he’d like anything when you make a trip to the kitchen.
  7. Pick him up a little treat at the store.
  8. Organize his space. This could be anything from his office desk to his sock drawer. Show him you’ve been there and you’re loving on him.
  9. Make his favorite meal or dessert.
  10. Leave a little note someplace creative like lipstick on the mirror in your bathroom or a coupon under the windshield of his car.
  11. Offer to do something that you know he enjoys doing.
  12. Send him a romantic email or text.
  13. Offer him a word of encouragement by saying something positive.
  14. Say something positive about him to others when you’re together.
  15. Listen to him when he’s stressed. You might not have a solution, but listening goes a long way.
  16. Thank him for being supportive.
  17. Encourage him by taking an interest in his hobbies.
  18. Comment on some of the good decisions he’s made.
  19. Let him know that you respect and admire his leadership.
  20. What makes him unique? Point it out to him! That’s so much better than comparison.
  21. Hold back on the nagging. Bite your lip if you must, and communicate your thoughts with patience.
  22. Take time to greet him when he arrives and see him off when he leaves.
  23. Is there a tool or an electronic he’s been wanting to buy? If it’s within reason, sit down and work it into your budget.
  24. Surprise him by doing one of his regular chores before he gets a chance like shoveling the walk or mowing the lawn.
  25. Be happy. More than anything else your attitude will go a long way in setting his.
  26. Cut arguments short by letting go of your need to be right. Wait until you both cool down and communicate your thoughts with patience and kindness–another day.
  27. Ralax and let yourself laugh. Have fun with him.
  28. Write a love message on the toilet paper roll with sharpie. No doubt it will make him smile.
  29. Hold his hand when you fall asleep.
  30. When he’s lying in bed or on the couch, bend over and whisper in his ear, “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had.”
Have any ideas you’d like to add? Please share them with us in the comments.

You are loved by an almighty God,

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