30 Ways to Love Your Husband
This past week we got to talking about communication when Lisa posted the article, “Communication: How to Love Him More Than Words Can S...
- Give him direct eye contact when you’re talking to him and say something encouraging. As Lisa put it, “admire him with your eyes.” Love that!
- Stop to hug him when you pass by his way.
- Ask him if there’s any thing he’d like you to pray for.
- Wear an outfit that he likes on you.
- Reach for his hand when you’re driving or walking.
- Ask him if he’d like anything when you make a trip to the kitchen.
- Pick him up a little treat at the store.
- Organize his space. This could be anything from his office desk to his sock drawer. Show him you’ve been there and you’re loving on him.
- Make his favorite meal or dessert.
- Leave a little note someplace creative like lipstick on the mirror in your bathroom or a coupon under the windshield of his car.
- Offer to do something that you know he enjoys doing.
- Send him a romantic email or text.
- Offer him a word of encouragement by saying something positive.
- Say something positive about him to others when you’re together.
- Listen to him when he’s stressed. You might not have a solution, but listening goes a long way.
- Thank him for being supportive.
- Encourage him by taking an interest in his hobbies.
- Comment on some of the good decisions he’s made.
- Let him know that you respect and admire his leadership.
- What makes him unique? Point it out to him! That’s so much better than comparison.
- Hold back on the nagging. Bite your lip if you must, and communicate your thoughts with patience.
- Take time to greet him when he arrives and see him off when he leaves.
- Is there a tool or an electronic he’s been wanting to buy? If it’s within reason, sit down and work it into your budget.
- Surprise him by doing one of his regular chores before he gets a chance like shoveling the walk or mowing the lawn.
- Be happy. More than anything else your attitude will go a long way in setting his.
- Cut arguments short by letting go of your need to be right. Wait until you both cool down and communicate your thoughts with patience and kindness–another day.
- Ralax and let yourself laugh. Have fun with him.
- Write a love message on the toilet paper roll with sharpie. No doubt it will make him smile.
- Hold his hand when you fall asleep.
- When he’s lying in bed or on the couch, bend over and whisper in his ear, “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had.”
You are loved by an almighty God,
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