




Έρευνα: Γιώργος Γ.

Σκουριές. Τεχνική Μελέτη – Ιούλιος 2011

“Οι επιπτώσεις στα επιφανειακά ύδατα στις Σκουριές θα είναι μέτριες, εν μέρει προσωρινές και εν μέρει μόνιμες.“

Skouries Cu/Au Project, Greece – Technical Report- July 2011


18.1 Waste Management

The principal waste streams generated from the mining and mineral processing operations are

the overburden waste from the open pit, the underground development in waste (primarily the

shaft, ramp and most of the ring drives) and the tailings from the recovery process. Effective

strategies for management of this waste are summarised below.

18.1.1 Tailings Management Facility (TMF)

The TMF has been designed by Omikron Kappa Consulting Limited (Omikron).

Two tailings dams are planned to be constructed in Karatza Lakkos and Lotsaniko stream

valleys and will facilitate the storage of the tailings produced by the processing of Skouries

open pit mining ore, while the waste produced by the open pit mining should be used for their


The general design criteria of the tailings dam are:

. The two tailings dams will be designed in such way as to keep the dam footprints outside

the Karolakkas stream delineation.

. The two tailings dams will be designed for the deposition of the waste and tailings

resulting from the open pit mining.

. The waste and tailings mass balance should conform to the Pre-Design of Skouries

Open Pit Mine.

. The tailings should be deposited in the form of paste with reduced water content. The

paste thickened tailings is considered to have solids in discharge 72% by weight.

. Omikron states that the tailings do not contain dangerous substances and they do not

have the potential to generate acid. From a geochemical point of view, the tailings are

considered inert. The permeability of the thickened tailings is very low and therefore

possible downwards seepage to the bedrock is limited. The sealing of the deposition

area with special liners is not required, neither is the application of impermeable layers in

the first meters of deposition.

. For environmental protection reasons, as well as, proper water management and reuse

of the surface run-off waters accumulated in the surface of the deposition area for the

needs of the process plant, the design provides for the water management within the

deposition area and for the water recirculation to the process plant.

tailings: απόβλητα εξόρυξης

Πρώτον, η σύμβουλος εταιρία Omikron Kappa Consulting Limited γράφει:

Omikron states that the tailings (απόβλητα εξόρυξης) do not contain dangerous substances and they do not have the potential to generate acid.

Ψέμα. Έκθεση της αμερικανικής ΜΚΟ Earthworks και της καναδέζικης Mining Watch Canada, αφιερωμένες στην προστασία των κοινοτήτων και του περιβάλλοντος, γράφει:

Mine processing wastes, also known as

tailings, can contain as many as three dozen

dangerous chemicals including arsenic, lead,

mercury and processing chemicals such as

petroleum byproducts, acids and cyanide.

Waste rock, the extra rock that does not contain

significant amounts of ore, can also generate acid

and toxic contamination. The dumping of mine

tailings and waste rock pollutes waters around the

world, threatening the drinking water, food supply

and health of communities as well as aquatic life

and ecosystems. Σελ. 2

Το ειδησεογραφικό δίκτυο Gold Investing News γράφει:

Tailings from gold mining operations can pose a threat to the environment and health of nearby communities. Not only can this waste be harmful if it leaches into groundwater, but it can also mean losing minerals still contained in the residue.

One of the largest hazards often found in abandoned gold mining tailings is acid mine drainage. Due to inefficiencies in the extraction process, large volumes of sulphides often end up going into the tailings. Over time, the sulphides start to oxidize as they’re exposed to wind, snow and temperature changes, creating sulphuric acid. The sulphuric acid mixes with rainwater and eventually works its way out of the tailings and into waterways, where it can change the pH of the water and precipitate harmful heavy metals.

Επίσης, η μελέτη ήδη προειδοποιούσε για τις επιπτώσεις στα επιφανειακά ύδατα:

20.6 Potential Impacts – Hazards – Risks and Mitigation

20.6.11 Aquatic Environmental Impacts

Surface water

Impacts to surface water are associated to rainwater falling on the occupied area; this water will

be stored and used as industrial water; it will not be contributing to stream flow. The TMF’s

impacts on the local river system are expected to be minor, since no significant ecological

quality or hydromorphology characteristics will change.

The impacts on surface water in Skouries will be moderate, partially temporary and partially

permanent; it can, however, be subject to remediation measures. Σελ. 95

Μετάφραση: Οι επιπτώσεις στα επιφανειακά ύδατα στις Σκουριές θα είναι μέτριες, εν μέρει προσωρινές και εν μέρει μόνιμες.

Αλλά στο θέμα των υπόγειων υδάτων τα ψέμματα συνεχίζονται:


During the development and operational phases, groundwater will be pumped to lower the

water table for the mining needs (approx. 480 m3/h). This water will be used to supplement the

water lost in the form of moisture in the tailings. The advantage of this is that water will not

come in contact with the ore body; it will therefore remain unmineralised and there will be no

treatment needs before disposal.

The construction of the TMF’s will not affect groundwater flow. Tailings have zero acid forming

capacity and leach tests for all elements gave results complying with regulations for disposal in

inert material landfills. The impacts to the groundwater during operational phases are negative

and minor.

During the rehabilitation phase, pumping to lower the water table will cease and groundwater

will return to its natural levels. The impacts of this phase will be positive and permanent. Σελ. 95

Η μελέτη γράφει: Tailings have zero acid forming capacity. Ψέμα.

Και πάλι, το ειδησεογραφικό δίκτυο Gold Investing News γράφει:

Tailings from gold mining operations can pose a threat to the environment and health of nearby communities. Not only can this waste be harmful if it leaches into groundwater, but it can also mean losing minerals still contained in the residue.

One of the largest hazards often found in abandoned gold mining tailings is acid mine drainage. Due to inefficiencies in the extraction process, large volumes of sulphides often end up going into the tailings. Over time, the sulphides start to oxidize as they’re exposed to wind, snow and temperature changes, creating sulphuric acid. The sulphuric acid mixes with rainwater and eventually works its way out of the tailings and into waterways, where it can change the pH of the water and precipitate harmful heavy metals.

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