* Formal Jewish military lobby already in D.C. “advising US Government”
* Jewish newspapers boast of “Israeli central role” in providing “evidence” of chemical attack
* Russian President says there is “no evidence” who was responsible or even if chemical attack took place;
* Russia, Iran, and Syria warn of “dire consequences for entire region” if “Allies” attack.
The entire Middle East seems set to spiral to an all-out war as the Jewish lobby in Washington D.C. and London mount pressure for an “Allied” attack on Syria following the alleged use of chemical weapons last week during the ongoing civil war in that country.
According to an article in the Times of Israel, “Israeli intelligence information is widely believed to have played a central role in enabling the US’s adamant conviction that Assad’s regime fired chemical weapons at civilians outside Damascus last Wednesday.”
The Jewish newspaper continued: “A large delegation of senior Israeli security officials is currently in Washington holding talks with top administration officials led by US National Security Adviser Susan Rice.
“The Israeli team, headed by Netanyahu’s outgoing National Security Adviser Yaakov Amidror, also includes senior Defense Ministry official Maj.-Gen. (Res) Amos Gilad, the head of the IDF’s Planning Directorate Nimrod Sheffer, and the head of the IDF’s Military Intelligence Research Branch Gen. Itai Brun.”
This is not the first time that Brun has claimed that the Syrian government has used “sarin gas” to attack civilians. He
made similar claims in April this year—but these claims were dismissed then as unfounded.
The Israeli “advisors” played a pivotal role in ensuring that US Secretary of State John Kerry claimed, without any further obvious evidence, that the Syrian government had used the chemical weapons. This, before the UN inspectors had even arrived to investigate the claims after the Syrian government offered them free access to the site of alleged attack to establish the truth.
In spite of this, the US, and now the British government, all under the strong influence of their respective Jewish lobbies, are drawing up plans to attack Syria with military force.
The US has already moved military units into place, awaiting orders to strike, and in Britian, David Cameron has announced on Twitter that Parliament is to be recalled on Thursday, where, he said, there will be “a clear Govt motion & vote on UK response to chemical weapons attacks.”
The “evidence” so far put forward for the chemical attack is even poorer than the awful lies put out by the same Jewish lobby over Iraq’s supposed “weapons of mass destruction” which led to the invasion and destruction of that country—which was also an enemy of Israel, as is Syria.
The “evidence” has so far consisted of photographs of alleged victims—prominently displayed on the
BBC website here. But these images, as unappealing as they are, are still no evidence of the “attack,” as observers who have access to high level intelligence, have already pointed out.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, for example, told Cameron this week that Russia has no evidence of a chemical weapons attack having taken place in Syria or who is responsible.
The two leaders held an urgent phone call on Monday (26 August) afternoon regarding the Syrian crisis in the wake of a sniper attack on UN chemical inspectors outside Damascus.
“President Putin said that they did not have evidence of whether a chemical weapons attack had taken place or who was responsible,” a British government spokesperson was quoted by RT news as having said after the call.
For their part, the Syrians and Iranians have no illusions as to who is behind the pro-war sentiment and have openly blamed the Jewish lobby.
A senior Syrian Baath Party official who used to serve as Syria’s assistant information minister, Khalaf Muftah, said in a radio interview that if his country was attacked, it would retaliate against Israel.
“Israel is behind the aggression and [it] will therefore come under fire,” he said.
“We have strategic weapons and we’re capable of responding,” he said.
His words were echoed by Iranian officials, who on Monday said that if the Americans and British attacked Syria, Israel would suffer.
Hossein Sheikholeslam, a member of Iran’s Islamic Consultative Assembly, said that if an attack took place, “the Zionist regime will be the first victim of a military attack on Syria.”
Iranian foreign ministry spokesman, Abbas Araqchi cautioned there would be “perilous consequences” for the region if a military attack is carried out
“We want to strongly warn against any military attack in Syria. There will definitely be perilous consequences for the region,” Araqchi told a news conference. “These complications and consequences will not be restricted to Syria. It will engulf the whole region.”
It seems however, that another all-out war is precisely what the Jewish lobby wants. It has been agitating for years for an attack on Iran and Syria through its proxy American and British forces.
Even if the region is left in chaos, like Iraq, this is still better for Israel than having orderly and potentially powerful and hostile neighbors.
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