
Quake and Tsunami Leaves Wake of Destruction Across Northern Japan

TOKYO — An 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Japan on Friday, the strongest ever recorded in the country and one of the ...

TOKYO — An 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Japan on Friday, the strongest ever recorded in the country and one of the largest anywhere in the last century। The quake churned up a devastating tsunami that swept over cities and farmland in the northern part of the country and set off warnings as far away as the West Coast of the United States and South America.
Japanese police officials said that 184 people were confirmed dead and another 700 were missing, but domestic media quoted government officials as saying that the death toll would almost certainly rise to more than 1,000. Some 200-300 bodies were found along the water line in Sendai, a port city in the northeastern part of the country and the closest major city to the epicenter. Thousands of homes were destroyed and many roads were impassable in the region. ....

The government evacuated thousands of residents in a two-mile radius around a nuclear plant about 170 miles northeast of Tokyo and declared a state of emergency after a backup generator failed, compromising the cooling system. So far, the chief government spokesman, Yukio Edano, said no radiation leaks had been detected. But the government announced the plant would begin releasing some slightly radioactive vapor to reduce pressure.
The earthquake and tsunami struck Japan in deadly tandem, unleashing scenes of horror throughout the northern part of the country. First came the roar and rumble of the earthquake shaking skyscrapers, toppling furniture and buckling highways. Then walls of water rushed onto shore, whisking away cars and carrying blazing buildings toward factories, fields and highways.
“I never experienced such a strong earthquake in my life,” said Toshiaki Takahashi, 49, an official in the Sendai City office। “I thought it would stop, but it just kept shaking and shaking, and getting stronger.”
Train service was shut down across central and northern Japan, including Tokyo, and air travel was severely disrupted. Cellphone service and landlines were down in the affected areas.
Television images showed waves of more than 12 feet roaring inland in Japan. The floodwaters, thick with floating debris shoved inland, pushed aside heavy trucks as if they were toys. The spectacle was all the more remarkable for being carried live on television, even as the waves engulfed flat farmland that offered no resistance. The tsunami could be seen scooping up every vessel in the ocean off Sendai, and churning everything inland. The gigantic wave swept up a ship carrying more than 100 people, Kyodo News reported.
Vasily Titov, director of the Center for Tsunami Research, said that coastal areas closest to the center of the earthquake probably had about 15 to 30 minutes before the first wave of the tsunami struck. "It’s not very much time. In Japan, the public is among the best educated in the world about earthquakes and tsunamis. But it’s still not enough time.”
Complicating the issue, he added, is that the flat terrain in the area would have made it difficult for people to reach higher, and thus safer, ground. "There are not many places they could go," he said.
NHK television showed footage of a huge fire sweeping across Kesennuma, a city of more than 70,000 people in the northeast। Whole blocks appear to be ablaze. NHK also showed aerial images of columns of flame rising from an oil refinery and flood waters engulfing Sendai airport, where survivors clustered on the roof. The runway was partially submerged. The refinery fire sent a plume of thick black smoke from blazing spherical storage tanks.
Even in Tokyo, far from the epicenter, the quake struck hard. William M. Tsutsui, a professor of Japanese business and economic history at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, was getting off a bus in front of a hotel in Tokyo, where he was traveling with a business delegation, when the ground began to shake. “What was scariest was to look up at the skyscrapers all around,” he said. “They were swaying like trees in the breeze.”
Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the quake and tsunami caused major damage across wide areas.
The United States Geological Survey said the quake was the most severe worldwide since an 8.8 quake off the coast of Chile a little more than a year ago that killed more than 400. It was less powerful than the 9.1-magnitude quake that struck off Northern Sumatra in late 2004. That quake spawned a tsunami that killed more than 200,000 people around the Indian Ocean.


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