Putin's Evolving Strategy in Europe
This week, Vladimir Putin was sworn in for a third term as Russian president. Putin's return to the presidency was not unexpected; ...
This week, Vladimir Putin was sworn in for a third term as Russian
president. Putin's return to the presidency was not unexpected; he was
never really unseated as Russia's leader, even during Dmitri Medvedev's
presidency. But it comes as an anti-incumbent trend is developing in
Europe, most recently demonstrated when socialist challenger Francois
Hollande defeated Nicolas Sarkozy in France's presidential elections
this week. In response to these changes, Putin will have to adjust
Russia's approach in Europe.
Putin's Plans for Russia and Beyond
Russia has been on the path to resurgence since Putin won the
presidency in 1999. He inherited a broken, weak and chaotic Russia. As Stratfor has noted over the years, Putin did not seek to re-create the Soviet Union.
He is a student of geopolitics, and he understands Russia's constraints
and the overreaching that led to the fall of the Soviet Union. Putin's
mission was to return Russia to stability and security -- a massive undertaking for
the leader of a country that not only is the world's largest but also
is internally diverse and surrounded by potentially hostile powers.
During his first presidential term, Putin launched a comprehensive
series of reforms that recentralized power over the Russian regions,
cracked down on militancy in the Russian Caucasus, purged the oligarch
class and centralized the economy and political system. Putin
implemented an autocratic regime and used the military and Russia's
security apparatus (including the Federal Security Service), following
the example of previous leaders, from the czars to the Soviet rulers.
Putin's maneuvers were the natural evolution of how a successful leader
rules Russia.
With Russia strong and steady, Putin was able to focus on his country's near abroad.
However, the countries surrounding Russia were hostile to the Kremlin's
view, with NATO and the European Union pushing ever closer to Russia's
borders and forming partnerships with numerous former Soviet states. The
czars and Soviet rulers used two primary tactics to counter such a
The first tactic was to mobilize Russia's military to push out
foreign influence, whether directly (as Moscow has done with Georgia) or
indirectly (by forging military alliances with former Soviet states
such as Belarus and Kazakhstan). Although Putin's Russia could do this
for one or two countries, it could not use this tactic everywhere in its
The second tactic was to create alliances of convenience in Europe to
help Moscow divide pan-European and NATO expansion and sentiment
against Russia while bolstering Russia economically, financially and
technologically. Czarist Russia made such arrangements with the United
Kingdom during the Napoleonic Wars and with France ahead of World War I,
and Soviet leaders formed an alliance of convenience with Germany ahead
of World War II. It is not that Russia ever trusted any of these
countries (or vice versa), but the Russian and European leaderships
shared an inherent understanding that certain alliances are necessary to
shape the dynamics on the Continent.
During Putin's era, Russia set its sights on what it considered three
of the four premier European powers: Germany, France and Italy. The
Kremlin considers the United Kingdom the fourth main power, but London's firm and traditional alliance with the United States has
made it resistant to Russia's overtures. The Kremlin saw Germany,
France and Italy as the countries holding the economic, political and
military heft that, if unified within Western alliance structures, could
oppose Russia in Europe. In order to forge partnerships with these
countries, Putin built relationships with their rulers.
Putin's Personal Approach
Germany was Russia's natural first choice for a partnership; not only is it the core of Europe,
but it is also the European state that the Kremlin fears most.
Moreover, Putin has an affinity for Germany that dates back to his days
with the KGB, when he was stationed in Dresden, Germany. In the early
2000s, Putin was able to use his fluency in German to develop a strong
friendship with then-German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. Schroeder saw
the relationship first as an economic opportunity, since Russia is the
world's largest energy producer and exporter and also a place for
potential heavy investment.
During Schroeder's chancellorship, trade between Germany and Russia
boomed, and Russia gave Germany special benefits as an energy partner.
Germany -- in accordance with Putin's plan -- began supporting Russia's
position in Europe on specific strategic issues. Schroeder's Germany was
alone among Western governments in not vociferously supporting
Ukraine's Orange Revolution in 2004-2005. Schroeder also led European
opposition to U.S. efforts to begin the NATO accession process for
Ukraine and Georgia.
As his friendship with Putin grew, Schroeder purchased an estate
outside Moscow near Putin's home and even sought Putin's assistance in
adopting two Russian children. Schroeder's ejection from office in 2005
did not end their friendship -- or Schroeder's usefulness to Putin.
Despite widespread German criticism, even from Schroeder's own party,
the former chancellor accepted a position with Russian state natural gas
firm Gazprom to lead the Nord Stream project, a pipeline designed specifically to maximize Russia's energy leverage over Belarus, Ukraine and Poland.
Having created a strong relationship with Berlin, Putin established a
similar relationship with France's then-President Jacques Chirac. France's position
is different from Germany's in that France is not connected
economically or politically with Russia. However, Paris understands the
history of strong Berlin-Moscow ties and what those mean for all of
Europe. France thus has an interest in making sure it is not left out
when Russia and Germany meet. The relationship between Chirac and Putin
took this a step further.
At the beginning of their relationship, Putin and Chirac allied
politically against the U.S.-led war in Iraq. This was important to
Moscow because it undermined NATO's unity on
a critical issue. More important for Russia's interests, Chirac lobbied
against NATO's expansion to include the Baltic states of Estonia,
Latvia and Lithuania. The Baltics were admitted despite Chirac's
objections, and when the next NATO summit occurred -- in Latvia --
Chirac invited Putin to the meeting as his guest.
Putin was close friends with the French and German leaders, but he
was like a brother to Italy's then-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
This relationship was more personal, because Italy was not as strategic
(or threatening) as the other two European powers. Putin and Berlusconi
vacationed together, spent birthdays together and bought each other
expensive gifts. In 2011, when Berlusconi was on trial for sexual
improprieties, Putin publically defended his friend, saying the
allegations were "made out of envy." The Putin-Berlusconi friendship led
to relationships between Russian and Italian energy companies,
banks and military industrial projects. Most notable, Putin was able to
use his relationship with Berlusconi to get Gazprom access to Italian
state-linked energy giant ENI's assets throughout North Africa,
particularly in Libya.
Putin's personal connections with Germany, France and Italy did not
change with the leadership shifts in each country from 2005 to 2007, nor
did they change when Putin left the presidential spotlight to become
prime minister in 2008. Putin used the momentum built under the previous
governments to forge relationships -- even if not as personal -- with
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and
(for a time) Italy's then-Prime Minister Romano Prodi. Putin's circle of
friends and associates helped him shape some of Russia's most important
strategies in Europe: complicating NATO expansion, pushing Moscow's
agenda with NATO, expanding military relationships and becoming capable of invading Georgia without
European or NATO intervention. It is not that all of this was possible
because of Putin's personal relationships with the leaders of Italy,
France and Germany, but those connections facilitated many of the deals
that made Russia's progress possible.
Changes Across Europe
As Putin returns to the presidency, he faces a very different Europe
-- one in which nearly all of his close friends are out of power. As
prime minister, Putin focused on Russia's internal issues while Europe
became embroiled in a political and financial crisis that has affected
the Continent as a whole. Europe is not as concerned as it once was with
the wider world (including Russia). Instead, each state is focused on
keeping itself -- and some form of the European alliance -- intact.
Voters have ejected two of the three Russian-friendly European governments during these crises. Berlusconi and his political machine were forced from power in
favor of technocrat and now Prime Minister Mario Monti. Monti lacks the
political mandate or the will to become involved in geopolitical
alignments like a close relationship with Russia. France's Chirac has
retired from politics, and Sarkozy was voted out of office the
day before Putin was inaugurated. France's Hollande surrounds himself
with politicians who have not been in government at any point when Putin
was in charge in Russia. This leaves Merkel, whose ties with Putin are
the weakest in the Russian leader's European circle. Furthermore, Merkel
is concerned with holding Europe together, leaving little time or
interest for Russia's plans for Europe.
Thus, Putin's tactic of using personal relationships to help
strengthen Russia's position in Europe seems to be outdated. The French
and Italian governments are still young, so Putin could try to build
relationships with Hollande and Monti. But, like Germany, France and
Italy are more interested in what is happening in Europe than in Russia.
This new attitude toward Russia already has surfaced in Rome. In the
first talks between the new Italian government and the Russian
government, Italian President Giorgio Napolitano made it clear that the
Moscow-Rome relationship would undergo a "depersonalization." The first
evidence of this was Italy's embrace of U.S. ballistic missile defense plans for
Europe. Italy -- like France -- long supported Russia's position on
missile defense in Europe. Although this did not prevent Washington from
moving forward with its plans, it did create disagreements within NATO.
Italy's shift toward unity with NATO and the United States comes just
before what was to be a NATO-Russia summit in Chicago, but Russia has
been disinvited.
The changes in Europe's leadership and focus come amid Russia's
adjustments to other new dynamics in Europe. Before the Continent's
financial and political crises, Russia had forged a new strategy for foreign policy regarding Europe
in which strategic European partners -- especially Germany, France and
Italy -- would invest heavily in Russia's economy and financial sector.
With Europe nearly broke, however, this strategy has been cut back
and could be abandoned altogether. Russia is proceeding with European
partners on some projects, but Moscow must financially step up more than
it anticipated for these projects to succeed. It is an expensive
foreign policy choice.
Russia's main goal regarding Europe is to keep European powers
divided while extracting what Moscow wants financially and
technologically. The days have passed when Putin could call a friend in Europe to help with NATO or
with technological deficiencies. Russia has to design a new strategy to
deal with a very different Europe and adhere to its deeper imperatives
rather than rely on personal and political relationships, which are
fleeting compared to the forces of geopolitics.